Thursday, February 18, 2010

Return of the Gimp!

My life is still a chaotic storm, we still can barely eat, but at least we have functioning computer equipment again! It's been a few years, but I'm dusting off this old blog and getting back to business.

So a few weeks ago I did a series of Will Draw For Food diaries and a few generous, lovely Kossacks helped us out. Computer issues prevented me from getting any art going until now, so if I owe you art, it's coming this weekend! Also, as I only qualified for $48 a month in food stamps, I'm still offering to draw caricatures in exchange for grocery giftcards - details are in the link above.

All the recent problems I've been having, combined with current events and other things have inspired me to return to semi-regular blogging. So, as often as I'm able to, I'll be posting here, with some entries cross-posted at my Daily Kos diary. These posts will be daily rants on life as a disabled person, commentary on news and current events, and maybe a bit of art and random things that interest me.

At any rate, I hope you'll continue to check in and see what I'm ranting about, or consider having me draw someone for you so I can put food on my family. Or just drop in and tell me I'm fucking retarded. That's fine, too.

Speaking of which, seeing the diary at the top of the Rec List right now, I'll be putting together a gimpalicious rant about Palin, Rahm, and the whole 'retarded' thing tomorrow. You won't want to miss it.

Until then...



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