Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Of Landlords and Slumlords

Our last landlord was a slumlord.

He let the property go in sub-standard conditions for at least six months because he knew we couldn't exactly stop him. If we were to take legal action, he'd evict us, and suing him would take far longer than eviction proceedings, and while we would likely win in the end, we'd be homeless. We couldn't afford to move - which he knew - and my wife's medical condition makes it impossible for us to just stay with friends or family in the meantime.

Ultimately, a friend fronted us cash to move, and we did. We've been in our new place going on a year.

Patterns are repeating.

There were serious plumbing issues on several occasions here, issues the new landlord took their sweet time even getting around to, and now we have astronomical water bills that they are refusing to cover. The city doesn't care who pays them, but if they don't get the money, they shut off the account.

Again, if we fight, we risk being given a 30 day notice as we're on a month-to-month lease and they can terminate at will.

Welcome to a day in the life of a disabled person riding the poverty line.


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