GOP Congress to Deaf Americans: We Aren't Listening
Apparently the GOP Congress thinks deaf people are also blind. Otherwise they'd realize the deaf community will be reading this:
Several deaf-theater groups are struggling to stay afloat after the federal government mysteriously cut funds for cultural programs for the deaf around the country 16 months ago.These groups that were cut have made a huge impact in the disabled and abled communities. They are a national treasure that we cannot afford to lose.
Apparently, Democratic Senators Harkin and Dodd care, and are looking into this 'mysterious cut'.
Of course we could easily solve the 'mystery' by asking Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-CA), Chairman of the Education Committee.
I've recently started writing about disabled issues, and this is my first call to action.
I called Congressman Howard "Buck" McKeon, the Chairman of the House Education Committee to ask him about it, but of course, he's on vacation.
I left a message for Heath Weemes, his Education Legislative Assistant - also on vacation - and urge you all to do the same. Fill his voicemail box with messages so that when he gets back from vacation, he knows that we're listening and speaking.
Congressman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
2351 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
ph:(202) 225-1956
fax: (202) 226-0683
Ask for Heath Weemes' voicemail and/or the Congressman's.
It only takes a few minutes of your time to impact the lives of millions, and this is a small victory we can easily win.
I told them I was bringing the blogosphere in. Who has my back?
Very good to be standing up for the rights of the handicapped, but think about standing up for cutting government subsidies to all the thousands of theater groups representing all kinds of interests that don't actually attract an audience to justify a theater and a cast. If they did have an audience they wouldn't need the subsidy.
I have the same feeling about all the so-called "theater groups" that exist by raising money outside of the box office.
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